In 2012, cloud storage firm Dropbox was hacked with over two-thirds of its users’ details dumped all over the internet. While the company initially thought a collection of email addresses was the only thing stolen, it was wrong — passwords had been compromised as well. This new information came to light when the database was […]
Change your Dropbox password
Avoid bounce back emails by following these rules . . .
You may have noticed of late, especially if your business relies on sending many emails, that some are being rejected by the recipient’s server for one reason of another.
Time Machine, iCloud, Dropbox, and more ways to backup your data
The that sits in a drawer is not protecting your data. If you don’t connect it to your computer and confirm that Time Machine has completed its backup, you have NO backups. And, when your computer hard drive fails or your laptop is stolen, the drive in the drawer will be of no help in recovering precious files.